Edgemont’s President’s Message for January

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2025 is here! I hope everyone had some family time through the holiday season and that you’ve managed to escape that cold and flu bug that seems to be going around. At ECA, our holiday season was filled with fun and laughter and the knowledge that we helped spread joy to Edgemont residents. The hamper project was successful once again and we had numerous volunteers who gave their time to sort, wrap, and deliver the hampers. Thanks also to the donors who provided cash, gift cards, and in-kind items to help fill up our hampers. The individual donors are too numerous to mention. You know who you are, and we hope that your efforts contribute to that warm feeling that you get from helping others. Thank you. I’d like to also thank the corporate donors and other associations in our community who’ve helped us along. These include:

• 193 Edgemont Scout Group

• Honourable Julia Hayter, MLA

• All Smiles Dental Care

• Mother Mary Greene School

• Co-op (Dalhousie)

• Mountain Creek Community Church

• Edgemont Community Association

• Real Canadian Superstore (Country Hills)

• Edgemont School

• Starbucks (Country Hills)

• Edgemont Veterinary Clinic

• The Home Depot (Beacon Hill)

• Edgepointe Dental Centre

• Tiffany’s Nail & Spa

• Global Pet Foods

• Westminster Presbyterian Church

The list above includes those who have contributed up to and including November 30. If I’ve missed you in this list, trust that I’ll catch up in February. I would encourage Edgemont residents to support these good corporate and association community builders!

While I’m in the “thanking” mood, I want to give a shout out to Carie Middleton and Marty Evans who pulled together a team of volunteers to support the casino event. These ladies and the numerous volunteers they recruited did an amazing job! It takes about 40 people to work a casino over two days, so this is no small effort!

In November the ECA Board had visitors from the Calgary Traffic Unit. We were updated on the role of the Traffic Unit and how it supports safety in our community. The Calgary Police Service makes it easy to report ongoing traffic issues, including:

• Speeding problems

• School or playground zone violations

• Pedestrian safety risks

Here’s how to report it:

• Visit www.calgarypolice.ca.

• Select “Compliments and Concerns” > “Report a Traffic Concern.”

• Submit your traffic service request.

If your concern is more urgent, call 3-1-1 and ask the operator to put you through to the Traffic Unit. You will be connected directly.

Mark your calendar to participate in Frost Fest on February 17. Go to the ECA website to register. There is no charge to participate, but we like to keep track of how many people to expect so we don’t run out of treats!

Stay warm and enjoy our outdoor rink up at John Laurie Park. Thanks to the volunteers who maintain the facility for the pleasure of our residents.

Pamela Wilson


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