Edgemont’s President’s Message for May


World events, notably the far-reaching impacts of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, may well have overshadowed the local focus of this article. Nevertheless, and with some hope, we celebrate May, and we may (see what I did there?) be excused for believing that summer is assured, albeit intermittent.

COVID-19 appears to be ever with us, but a 76% double vaccination rate in Alberta (81% single dose) appears to be blunting the most disastrous effects. At this writing, Omicron variant BA.2 is 2/3 of the infections in Alberta because of its increased transmissibility. It is rewarding to still notice a significant percentage of residents voluntarily masking in closed locations, which is some concession to the very young, very old, and particularly to our immune-compromised neighbours. Masks are less for our own protection and more for the protection of those around us. If you can, be kind enough to mask up. When questioned about voluntarily wearing a mask, “I’m masking for a friend; you!” is a favourite response.

Looking back at April, the ECC hosted the ‘Spring Handmade Market’ craft event on the 9; foreshadowing the much larger Craft Fair which is, at long last, set to resume this November 12 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Of the upcoming Edgemont events in May – first priority is given to the 11 May AGM. Please have your memberships in hand and come out to hear the ‘state of the ECA’ message, review the Financials, and vote in the new Board members. ECA cannot move forward without your participation. The agenda is fixed per the Bylaws and all that is left is for ECA Members to make the magic happen. Please plan to attend! Registration at 7:00 pm (verifications, voting cards, etc.) and the meeting starts at 7:30 pm at the Edgemont Community Centre.

Great news that the Food Trucks will be back again on the last Thursday of each month, starting in May. Details are on www.edgemont.ab.ca but the dates and times have changed (note, a summer shift in hours!) May 26 and June 30, 4:00 to 7:00 pm; July 28, August 25, and September 29, 5:00 to 8:00 pm.

A new event, every Thursday including the Food Truck Thursdays will be an Edgemont Farmers Market! First event is May 3, 6:00 pm at the ECC.

And, coming to a parking lot near you on Saturday, July 9, the ECA’s first Car Boot (trunk) Sale. A great way to get rid of small amounts of unwanted items. Check the website for all these events, and more at www.edgemont.ab.ca.

Last year, nearly a day late and certainly a buck short, the ECA Communications Director as well as the President took up the offer from the City of Calgary to obtain some free compost. The product is such an improvement over the stuff we all put in the green bins! Of course, the offer is not as exclusive as it sounds above. Every household can partake once each year and the compost is excellent. The appointment booking tool (online booking only) will be available starting April 18 and pickup is available from April 25 to June 11 at Shepard (South) and Spyhill (North) landfills during operating hours: https://www.calgary.ca/waste/residential/green-cart-compost-giveaway.html.

There is a lot of uptake for this product, so remember your appointments and be ready to move in and out quickly, as appointments are booked in 15-minute time slots. Save your confirmation email on your smartphone or have it printed, as you will be asked to show it to the site attendant when you check in and, yes, there will be a site attendant who checks. As a hint, we were later in the season and had to go to the Shepard facility down South because there was no longer a supply near us in Spy Hill. As all gardeners will understand, while this is generally a ‘clean’ operation, this stuff really is dirt; so along with your bucket, shovel, and gloves – bring a tarp to keep the car as clean and fresh smelling as possible. BTW, to start the compost process all over again, weekly green cart service will commence the last week of April until October.

There is another meeting coming up, as well. Because we appear to be able to meet in person, the work of a Bylaw Committee can be finalized dealing with changes to the ECA Bylaws. Now, there are folks who enjoy this and folks who have done it before. Often, they are not the same people, but sometimes the stars align, and we find a “unicorn”. After the AGM, the new Board will be setting up changes to all the bylaws that have been found to need tweaking and some that need to be added to reflect changes in the Societies Act.

I look forward to seeing our ECA Members, in person, for the first time in over two years!

Bill Kirk