Hidden Valley’s Message on Fall Cleanups

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With fall nearly upon us, it’s time to start preparing your garden for the coming winter. Here is a list of fall garden activities to help you get your plants ready for the new season.

1. Fertilize your lawn (compost works for this too).

2. Transplant shrubs or young trees to new locations.

3. Cut diseased areas out of perennials. Do not compost and put into your black garbage bin.

4. Rake and compost any fallen leaves or use leaves as mulch for beds. If you have a mulching mower mulch them first.

5. Clean up garden debris. Remove all vegetable plants and fallen fruit. Amend the soil and consider fall seeding a few vegetables (see suggestions below).

6. Remove dead annuals from the garden, after a frost.

7. Cut back perennial foliage to discourage overwintering pests. Leave flowers with seeds for the birds and attractive plants that provide winter interest.

8. Continue watering trees and shrubs until the ground freezes.

9. Sharpen lawn mower blade and pruners before they are put away for the season.

10. Trim tall grass away from trees and corners of your home to discourage small rodents from creating nests.

11. Mulch your hardy perennial herbs like chives, sage, tarragon, and thyme.

12. Dig up tender bulbs such as dahlia, canna and gladiola, wrap them in moist material and store in a cool, dark space.

13. Turn off outside water connections and drain garden hoses before temperatures drop to freezing.

14. Clean fallen leaves in downspouts and gutters.

Here are some suggestions for good bulbs to plant at this time of year:

• Daffodil

• Grape hyacinth

• Siberian squill

• Allium

• Fritillaria

• Dog’s-tooth violet

• Glory-of-the-snow

• Winter aconite

• Snowdrop

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