The April 2019 Your Hidden Valley Hanson Ranch Community Newsletter Magazine

Community Newsletter HiddenValley

April Your Hidden Valley Hanson Ranch Community newsletter

Be in the know! Have a look through the latest issue of Your Hidden Valley Hanson Ranch to find all the latest hyper-local news, events, photo galleries, classes, programs and so much more. This community newsletter magazine is delivered to 3,900 homes each month in Hidden Valley and Hanson Ranch, and is designed, manufactured, and delivered with pride by Great News Media.

The Hidden Valley Community Association serves the residents living within the geographic area of Hidden Valley and Hanson Ranch. HVCA is a Not for Profit Society that holds an LOC (license of occupation) with the City of Calgary for the Hidden Hut & rink facility. Sources of ongoing funding are from internal operational initiatives such as membership fees and program revenues as well as casinos and grants. This organization is governed by a Board whose structure and term is set out in their By-laws. The Board meets and does reporting, on a regular monthly basis, along with a scheduled AGM (Annual General Meeting).

Founded in 1989, Great News Media has helped thousands of companies effectively market, advertise, and create awareness of their business, products, and services.

Great News Media provides businesses with targeted print advertising campaigns (hyper-local community newsletter magazines, flyer design / manufacturing and delivery), digital advertising campaigns (websites, social media, programmatic), video interviews, video advertisements, text, web, branding, and strategy development. Additional information can be found at