Another Can Do Kind of Guy in Highland Park

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by Judy Hughes

On March 12, 2023, our neighbour, Dennis Jonk died by suicide. A group of his neighbours restored an old park bench from his yard. Now Highland Park community residents are enjoying his bench. The Suicide Call line (9-8-8) is on the dedication plaque in case any person is feeling hopeless in an altered state of mind like Dennis was the night he died.

This month, while attending a Nurturing Community workshop I had the privilege of meeting another can do kind of guy. Let me introduce you to John F. Gerrard, a multi-disciplinary artist and author. He is trained as a peer support worker with Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) who participated in the workshop. His artwork is featured in private collections around the world. He was born and raised in Calgary and blends mental health advocacy with his art practice. In a door prize, I won a copy of his book Reconstruction Quest: A Neurodivergent Journey and read it in two sittings!

This easy to read, 125-page memoir, is focused on his story as a person who has struggled with mental illness but has learned to thrive with neurodivergence (a mind that works differently from the majority).

In plain language, he recounts his experiences with altered states, psychosis, and depression. As a community member, I found this information so enlightening. Because of my increased awareness and increased listening skills in my conversations, I recently learned of two young men who are now where he was! John’s story helped me to better understand their experience.

To use John’s words, “The stigma is bad, so the people who are winning against this illness typically do not speak up. Because a lot of people do not speak up, the stigma stays.”

This book is a compelling call for greater empathy and understanding in how we approach men’s mental health. His honest writing offers readers comfort, inspiration, and valuable insight.

Let’s think about how active listening, empathy, and acting in compassionate ways can make us good neighbours. In what ways do you receive and give support to your neighbours?

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