Highland Park Planning and Development Report for January

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by D. Jeanne Kimber

There has been a lot happening in Calgary recently. The legal challenge against the Rezoning for Housing Bylaw, which was approved by Council earlier this year, was heard on December 11. The judge is expected to issue his decision in early January.

Also, on December 11 the Infrastructure and Planning Committee of Council was scheduled to hear the Calgary Plan. This is a high-level policy document outlining goals and objectives for Calgary’s growth in the future. It combines an updated Municipal Development Plan (MDP) with the Calgary Transportation Plan. A final revised version was made available in early December. Committee members deferred a decision on the Calgary Plan until February. Presentation to Council might happen in April 2025. For more information see https://engage.calgary.ca/citybuilding.

Also in development is a new Zoning Bylaw. One of the principal goals of this project is to simplify and reduce the number of land use types. Feedback on the first draft closed at the end of October and we are now waiting for changes to be made before another opportunity to provide feedback arises. A final draft is not expected until 2026.

There are several new proposed Development Permit (DP) applications in Highland Park.

• DP2024-07833 4320 Centre A Street NE for a semi-detached with suites and garage.

• DP2024-07824 4016 to 4024 3 Street NW for four rowhouse buildings (16 units) with suites.

• DP2024-08166 422 36 Avenue NW for a semi-detached with suites.

• DP2024-08308 218 32 Avenue NE for a semi-detached (no suites).

The following applications have been approved recently.

• DP2024-04247 3827 Centre B St NW for two semi-detached with suites. The approval was appealed and is now scheduled for a hearing on December 17.

• DP2023-01343 204 to 212 40 Avenue NW for 16 rowhouse units with suites in three buildings. Approval was posted November 21.

• DP2024-01027 3307 2 Street NE for a rowhouse. Approval was posted December 12.

• DP2024-05535 215 41 Avenue NW for two semi-detached buildings (front and rear) with suites. Approval was posted December 12.

Decisions are posted every Thursday by the City on its Public Notices website. Affected neighbours then have 21 days to appeal the decision to the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (SDAB). Information about what is “appeal-able” can be found at https://www.calgarysdab.ca/preparing-for-a-hearing.html.

The following applications are still under review:

• DP2024-06568 4020 1 St NW for a four-plex with suites.

• DP2024-07701 3423 2 St NW for a four-unit rowhouse with suites.

• DP2024-05487 4220 Centre St NE for a four-unit rowhouse with suites and a commercial unit. This application will require a land use change.

• DP2024-00614 3704 Centre St NE for a Buddhist temple.

• DP2024-06404 115 36 Avenue NE has been revised for two rowhouse buildings with a commercial space at the corner.

• LOC2024-0139 for land use changes to M-CG and M-H1 for the green space that slopes steeply down from the end of 36 Avenue NE to 1 Street NE.

• LOC2024-0177 119 to 131 41 Avenue NW for a land use change to M-H1 to allow for a six-storey apartment building.

Amended development plans are often submitted in response to feedback received from the City, the Community Association, and from nearby residents. These amended plans are posted on the City’s Development Map but are not advertised. The Development Map is your best source of information about planning applications in the community. See https://developmentmap.calgary.ca/.

The HPCA Planning and Development Committee and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah. Best wishes to you, your family, and friends in 2025.

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