Highland Park Planning and Development Report for November

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by D. Jeanne Kimber

Email [email protected].

As part of the Calgary Building Program, the City is developing a new Zoning Bylaw that will eventually replace the Land Use Bylaw. The intent is to simplify and modernize land use in Calgary. An initial draft of the new Zoning Bylaw has been created and is open for public input. For general information about the Calgary Building Program check out https://engage.calgary.ca/citybuilding. For more information in particular about the Zoning Bylaw, see https://engage.calgary.ca/citybuilding/cbpphase4. You can download a complete copy of the draft bylaw (292 pages) or various summary documents. Of particular interest to residents is the Housing Zones summary. There are also short summary documents on Mixed Use Zones, Commercial Use Zones, etc. Public engagement to provide feedback on the current draft ends October 20. However, it is expected that the Zoning Bylaw will undergo several iterations, and a final draft won’t be ready for Council to approve until 2026. Implementation is not expected until 2027.

News Flash! A group of Calgarians has launched a legal challenge to the previously approved Rezoning for Housing bylaw, which saw all R-C1 and R-C2 properties rezoned to R-CG. R-CG allows for a higher density of housing on these parcels. The group has requested an interim stay of proceedings to prevent DP approvals under the new zoning until there is a judicial review of the processes by which the bylaw was passed. What results from this may have an impact on the development of the new Zoning Bylaw insomuch as the proposed base level H-1 land use for housing is similar to R-CG (though not necessarily in all the details).

Here is a status update (as of October 8) on the following land use change applications:

• LOC2023-0259 3820 and 3824 Centre A St NE for M-C1 zoning. The applicant wants to build fifteen townhouses. Council unanimously approved the application today.

• LOC2024-0216 448 36 Ave NW for a change from S-CS to R-CG. This application would rezone a parcel that has had a home on it for over 70 years to a residential land use. The next step in the process will be a hearing by the Calgary Planning Commission.

The application status for LOC2024-0006 (3420 Centre St NE), LOC2024-0177 (119 to 131 41 Ave NW), LOC2024-0181 (115 36 Ave NE) and LOC2024-0204 (338 and 340 34 Ave NE) have not changed since reported in last month’s newsletter.

All Development Permit applications mentioned in last month’s newsletter are still under review by the Planning Department with the exception of:

• DP2024-04247 3827 Centre B St NW for two front and rear semi-detached with suites. This application was approved in September.

• DP2023-01343 covering #204 to #212 40 Ave NW for three rowhouse buildings with sixteen units and suites. Amended plans have been received. There are a few changes from the previous version, most notable being the proposed build out of a curb bulb at the NW corner of 1 St NW and 40 Ave.

• DP2024-03112 3803 and 3805 Centre A St NE for a semi-detached with suites was approved.

• DP2024-06476 for a new secondary suite at 3807 1 St NE. Given the description of the project by the applicant, we contend that the address should actually be at #3805, not #3807.

To stay abreast of new developments in Highland Park, we encourage you to visit https://developmentmap.calgary.ca/.

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