Highland Park Planning and Development Report for September

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by D. Jeanne Kimber

All R-C2 properties are now designated R-CG, as per the Rezoning for Housing bylaw. This will allow property owners to develop rowhouses or cluster housing, but still permits single detached or semi-detached housing. Prior to the city-wide change, two land use change applications for R-CG zoning were approved by Council on July 16:

• LOC2024-0083 440 32 Ave NW

• LOC2024-0069 3910 Centre B St NW

LOC2024-0099 for a land use change at 4016, 4020, and 4024 to H-GO will be heard by Council on September 10. Since 4020 and 4024 are now H-GO anyways, the hearing will basically be for the third parcel at 4016.

Here is a status update (as of August 12) on the following land use change applications:

• LOC2024-0034 4020 1 St NW for H-GO was cancelled.

• LOC2023-0259 3820 and 3824 Centre A St NE for M-C1 zoning. The applicant wants to build fifteen townhouses. Calgary Planning Commission (CPC) hearing August 15.

• LOC2023-0290 3308 2 St NE for R-CG. Now irrelevant since Rezoning bylaw.

• LOC2024-0006 3520 Centre St NE for a land use change from M-C1 to MU-2 to enable construction of a six-storey multi-residential building with ground floor commercial potential. There has been no change since March.

In addition, three new land use change applications have been received:

• LOC2024-0177 for four parcels 119 to 131 41 Ave NW for a change from M-C1 to M-H1 to allow for a six-storey apartment containing 60 units. The North Hill Communities Local Area Plan envisions buildings of up to six-storeys in this block but there are concerns about fitting a large apartment building amongst the existing low-density housing. No plans have been received.

• LOC2024-0181 115 36 Ave NE for a change from C-N2 to MU-1 to allow for a multi-use development of up to 20 m height. The parcel has been vacant for many years.

There are three new Development Permit (DP) applications:

• DP2024-04574 440 32 Ave NW for a four-plex with suites

• DP2024-05487 4220 Centre St NE for a four-unit rowhouse with suites.

• DP2024-05535 215 41 Ave NW for two semi-detached (front and rear) with suites. The comment period on this new application is till September 2

The following Development Permit (DP) applications are under review:

• DP2024-04125 3910 Centre B St NW for two semi-detached buildings (front and rear) with suites. Concerns include overlooking, shadowing, lack of amenity space, loss of tree canopy, a poor landscape plan, the lack of permeable land and general concerns about infrastructure capacities.

• DP2024-04247 3827 Centre B St NW for two semi-detached (front and rear) with suites. Same issues as DP2024-04125.

• DP2024-04931 132 44 Ave NE for a semi-detached with suites. Issues raised include parcel coverage on the north lot and the extremely deep window wells required for the basement suites.

• DP2024-01681 204 33 Ave NE for a four-unit rowhouse with suites.

• DP2024-00614 3704 Centre St NE for a Chinese Buddhist Temple.

• DP2024-01027 3307 2 St NE for a four-unit rowhouse with suites.

• DP2023-01343 covering #204 to #212 40 Ave NW for three rowhouse buildings with sixteen units and suites.

• DP2024-02100 119 42 Ave NE for a semi-detached with suites.

• DP2024-02991 4004 Centre A St NE for two single-detached homes each with a suite.

• DP2024-03112 3803 and 3805 Centre A St NE for a semi-detached with suites.

Recent approvals include:

• DP2024-01385 212 32 Ave NE for two three-unit rowhouses with suites

• DP2024-03789 3721 Centre B St NW for a single detached.

For more information about the development applications in Highland Park visit the City’s Development Map at https://developmentmap.calgary.ca/.

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