Highland Park’s January President’s Message


by D. Jeanne Kimber

You may have heard or read the recent news, that the Aboriginal Friendship Centre of Calgary (AFCC) has been awarded a site in Highland Park that will be used to develop up to twelve 1-bedroom affordable units for Indigenous elders. Greg Miller, our association Development Director, and I, had an informative virtual meeting with project representatives and the architectural team. I found the plan presented to us attractive and well thought out. Please read Greg’s article in this newsletter for more information about the project.

The Guidebook for Great Communities and the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan (NHCLAP) are scheduled to go to the Standing Policy Committee on Planning and Urban Development (PUD) in early January. There will be an additional PUD public meeting in February. After that, it is scheduled for a public hearing at Council in March. I urge all residents to take a look at these important planning documents at the City’s website. You can read more about the NHCLAP at https://engage.calgary.ca/NorthHill. Again, the Development Director’s article in this issue will provide you with more information.

The current COVID restrictions have temporarily closed our community centre, except for the Highland Park Preschool and the NEXT Before and After School programs. Any parents interested in our Preschool program for three- and four-year-olds, should contact [email protected] or phone 403-276-6969. You can also find information about the preschool program on our website www.highlandparkcommunity.ca

The Board of the Highland Park Community Association hopes that everyone had a wonderful holiday season, and we offer you our best wishes for a happy and healthy new year in 2021. We look forward to when COVID restrictions are lifted, and our beautifully renovated hall will, once again, be available for you to rent for meetings or special occasions.