Highland Park’s Planning and Development Report for August

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by D. Jeanne Kimber | [email protected]

Now that I am back from my vacation trip, it’s time to provide you with some updates to recent planning developments and issues in Highland Park.

A new development permit (DP) application has been made for a four-unit residential building with suites at 4012 Centre St NE. This application, if approved, would replace a previously approved DP for a multi-residential building without suites. The land use for the entire block is designated M-C1, which is considered a medium density residential land use district. The file reference is DP2023-03893. Some of our concerns relate to an apparent lack of alternative mobility storage facilities for suite residents, the safety hazards of having exterior staircases going downslope to access the suites, and the lack of access to the mechanical rooms except by going through the secondary suites.

The land use application for a change to H-GO, and a concurrent DP application for the six properties at 204 to 224 40 Avenue NW is still currently under review. The development proposed for this site would consist of 32 three-storey rowhouse units, all with suites contained in five buildings. There would be a carport along the laneway for 32 vehicles along with alternate mobility storage lockers and bike racks. The City has conducted its first detailed review of the project and we are awaiting information about any revisions to the plans. The file references are LOC2023-0054 for the land use change to H-GO and DP2023-01343 for the redevelopment project.

A proposed two-storey six-plex to be built at 3520 Centre Street NE is still under review and comments are still being accepted through the development map. The plans show two units to be developed on each floor and in the basement, with each unit containing two bedrooms, two bathrooms, living and kitchen areas. We raised concerns about the provision of waste and recycling facilities for these six units and a lack of secure alternate mobility storage for residents without cars. The file reference for this development permit application is DP2023-00451.

The DP application for a rowhouse with suites at 457 33 Ave NW is under review.

The land use designation for this property was changed to R-CG last year. The project has many good features such as parcel coverage less than the allowed maximum and respect for setbacks. However, the safety of residents crossing 4 Street NW to get to the southbound bus stops was also flagged. Attempts have been made by various residents in the past to get a crosswalk signal installed at 36 Ave and 4 St NW, but so far with no success. With increased housing density along the street, there will be more people crossing the road and quite likely more vehicular traffic. The file reference is DP2023-01905.

There is also a land use change to R-CG proposed for 420 37 Avenue NW. The parcel is 75 feet wide and is situated mid-block along the avenue. The original intention of the developer was to construct a four-unit three-storey rowhouse with suites and two garage suites over a six-car garage. The Planning Committee of the HPCA submitted a letter raising our concerns about the proposed density, potential parking issues, and the minimum three metre front yard setback. Since then, the developer has met with several nearby residents and has modified his intentions. The rowhouse would now be a three-unit two-storey rowhouse with suites and three garage suites over the six-car garage. The developer also intends for the project to be extremely energy efficient and reliant on renewable energy and electricity only. The land use change application is LOC2023-0102 and it is scheduled to go to the Calgary Planning Commission on July 20. We expect the land use redesignation will be recommended to proceed to Council. There is no concurrent development permit application yet for the actual buildings.

The land use change application for R-CG for the corner parcel at 3307 2 Street NE went to the Calgary Planning Commission on July 6. A public hearing at Council is now scheduled for September 19. Although the applicant’s documentation referred to a rowhouse, it was not stated whether or not the units would contain secondary suites. The file reference is LOC2023-0068. A development permit application has not yet been submitted. A recurring issue that we encounter is the discrepancy in definition of a unit. The new H-GO land use designation includes suites as dwelling units, but R-CG and other low density land uses do not include suites in the unit count. So, a four-unit rowhouse could also have four suites.

The DP application for a large single-detached bungalow at the corner of 403 33 Avenue NW was approved on May 25. This new structure would replace an existing old bungalow which is currently in a state of disrepair. The file reference is DP2023-02479.

As always, we encourage residents to keep track of developments occurring in the community by means of the City’s development map at https://developmentmap.calgary.ca/.

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