Highland Park’s Upcoming Events Additions for February

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Seniors’ Luncheon

Stay tuned for more information coming soon on upcoming dates and plans for the next luncheon. If you are interested in getting added to our contact list to either attend the luncheon or join our team of volunteers for delivering this program, email our Volunteer Coordinator, Anne, at [email protected] or you can leave a voicemail message at the Highland Park Hall office phone at 403-276-6969.

Good Food Box

The next order date in February is on Monday, February 24, with pickup on the Thursday ten days later, as always. If you want to order, you must confirm by the order date how many and what size of box(es) you want to order by emailing our Good Food Box Lead Volunteer, Ellen, at [email protected]. If it is your first time ordering, Ellen will need additional information from you. You can pay for your box via e-transfer to HPCA’s Volunteer Coordinator, Anne Naumann, by email to [email protected] no later than 4:00 pm on the order date, and she will tally all payments and transfer payment to the Calgary Community Kitchen, or you can pay cash on the order date at the hall in person between 6:00 and 7:00 pm.

Save the Dates

Saturday, June 21 is Calgary’s 12th Annual Neighbour Day, a day to celebrate our “neighbourliness” and community spirit. Why not set up a block party to meet more of your neighbours? The City of Calgary website Calgary.ca/neighbour-day has a free guide for planning a block party, and other resources. Also, Wednesday, July 9 will be HPCA’s annual Stampede BBQ and Music In the Park. We’ll be recruiting volunteers to help with this event soon!

Click here to the Highland Park Community News home page for the latest Highland Park community updates.