At the Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association 1320 5 Ave NW.
In-person file drop off registration:
If you meet the following requirements, the CPA will do your taxes for free!
• Have a household income that does not exceed $35,000 or less with no dependents.
• $52,500 or less with dependents.
• Not have interest or investment income beyond the $35,000/$52,000 threshold.
• Not have earnings from self-employment income, rental income, or real estate holdings (land and/or buildings, including a house or condo that provides income).
By filing your taxes, you could be eligible to receive money!
• Monthly Canada Child Benefit payments quarterly Goods and Services Tax (GST) payments.
• Quarterly Alberta Child Benefit payments.
• Semi-annual Alberta Family Employment Tax Credit payments.
Many free and low-cost programs and initiatives also require information from your filed taxes.
If you have any questions, please contact Claire at [email protected].
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