2025 Casino: Friday, April 25 and Saturday, April 26
HSCA is scheduled for our next casino! Get ready for a fantastic opportunity to support our community while having fun! We’re looking for enthusiastic volunteers to join us for our upcoming casino fundraiser at ACE Casino Airport. This event is a crucial fundraiser that helps sustain our programs and maintain our building, ensuring the services you love at the centre can continue. There are three shifts each day, and we need a total of 19 volunteers (six for the daytime and evening shifts, seven for the late-night shifts in the count room). It’s a great way to meet and connect with your neighbours, all while contributing to an important cause! If you’re interested or have questions, please reach out to Debbie at [email protected]. We’re also exploring transportation options, so if you’d like to help but need a ride, just let us know!
Senior Connections Network
The Senior Connections Network aims to foster connections with seniors in our community in various ways. If you’re interested in joining the network or have a senior who would like to connect, please reach out by email or phone. We can arrange a time to discuss opportunities moving forward. If you have ideas for senior programming at the centre, we’d love to hear them so please reach out to Debbie.
Knitting/Crochet Connections
We’re excited to potentially bring back the Knitting/Crochet group at HSCA! Whether you’re looking to learn, share your skills, or simply connect with others, this group is for you. We’re currently gauging interest, so if you’re interested, please reach out and let us know!
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