HSCA is Turning 75!

HillhurstSunnyside cn

Did you know that July marks HSCA’S 75th Anniversary!

Check out the Hillhurst Sunnyside Context Paper at https://static1.squarespace.com/static/588e65d737c5818a6a061678/t/6256f58fbef36b5ac3895f9b/1649866148405/HSCA+Context+Paper+v3.pdf.

Read through the digital version of Hillhurst Sunnyside Remembers by Margaret Tanko at https://static1.squarespace.com/static/588e65d737c5818a6a061678/t/58aca071d482e90d4a8508cd/1487708362215/H_S_Remembers_19781.pdf.

Visit www.hsca.ca/hsca-75 for more details!

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