Seniors Connection Programs at Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association for November

Community Newsletter Hillhurst

The Seniors Connections Program is slowly moving online!

If you are interested in joining any of the current or future online connections, please contact Debbie at 403-285-0554 ext. 224, or [email protected]. You do need to have a computer, laptop, tablet, or phone with internet access. Connect with Debbie and get started!

Chair Yoga Classess

The Chair Yoga Class is being held on Thursday at 1:00 pm for the month of October. In November, it will move back to a morning class and we will post the new time before the end of the month. Sharon will continue as the Instructor.

Senior Connections: Online

Every second Monday, seniors connect online to talk and connect with others. Volunteers continue to connect with seniors in the community for various supports. If this is something you are interested in doing, please connect with Debbie.

Snow Removal

There may be a need for support around snow removal for some seniors this winter. You can help out formally, but you may connect with Debbie to see if there are specific seniors you would like to support, or you can watch for seniors on your block who may need some help and just show up and clear their walks after the snow fall. Snow Angels are important individuals who can help make sure that seniors and other members of the community can get out and walk safely on cleared sidewalks if needed during the winter.

Watch for more opportunities to be connected or provide support in the coming months.