Snow Removal for Seniors in Hillhurst Sunnyside

HillhurstSunnyside cn

If you are clearing your own sidewalks or helping a neighbour in the community, please remember to take care and keep the following in mind:

The heavy snow can be difficult to lift and move; the colder weather means our blood vessels constrict, making the blood flow more restricted, which can drive up our blood pressure and lead to a heart attack. The heart attack does not always happen while removing the snow. It can come later in the day. Even the most active and healthy individual can be at risk.

Instead of “lifting” the snow shovel, try to push the snow out of the way, or put less snow on the shovel if you must lift it. This will take longer, but it is a safer way of clearing the snow. Take a break, especially if you are finding yourself getting out of breath. Doesn’t hurt to take a break.

Dress appropriately for the weather. Use layers, mittens (better than gloves or wear gloves under your mittens) to keep your hands warm. Take a break to warm up if needed.

If you are a senior and cannot clear your sidewalk, or if you know a senior who needs some help with this, please connect with Debbie.

If you would like to help a senior in the community remove their snow this winter, please connect with Debbie. This will help improve the safety of all community residents during the winter snowfalls.

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