HH-BH LAP Phase 4

Hounsfield cn

The city is continuing to develop a new Riley Local Area Plan (LAP) for our community. This will replace the Hounsfield Heights–Briar Hill Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP), which has guided the redevelopment of our neighbourhood since the 1980s. The city has circulated their Phase 4 LAP draft on May 14 – look for booklets in your mail.

The draft Riley Local Area Plan is similar to Phase 3 and still proposes fundamental changes to our community. There are some updates to the Building Scale and Urban Form maps – please look carefully at these maps and continue to let the city know what you think. A ‘Building Scale’ of ‘Low’ is six storeys, and a Building Scale of ‘Low-Modified’ is four storeys. Some Low-modified has been moved within Hounsfield Heights. An ‘Urban Form’ of ‘Neighbourhood Connector’ along with the ‘Low’ Building Scale will allow H-GO (extra dense row housing) to be built. Again, some areas of Neighbourhood Connector have been moved throughout the community.

The city does not have a formal comment period for Phase 4 – you can submit your thoughts to [email protected]. This plan will go to council in the fall. The Community Association is planning a community meeting in September to discuss the LAP proposal and the council hearing. Please watch for our next article in September. We are happy to discuss the LAP with the community and answer questions at [email protected].

Beth Atkinson

Land Use Director, Hounsfield Heights–Briar Hill Community Association

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