Hounsfield Heights-Briar Hill’s Let’s Talk Series is Back for the Fall!

Hounsfield cn

Mark your calendars for the second Tuesday of each month for the return of the Let’s Talk … series.

The dates will be Tuesday, September 10; October 8; November 12, and December 10.

Doors open at 1:30 pm. The speaker presentation is at 2:00 pm. We wrap up around 3:00 pm.

The overarching theme for our fall series is ‘What brings people together?’: the branch library; a good coffee shop; the mall; disasters.

Come and learn more about what creates connection and community engagement around places that are inviting for people to gather.

Click here to the Briar Hill Community News home page for the latest Briar Hill community updates.

Click here to the Hounsfield Heights-Briar Hill Community News home page for the latest Hounsfield Heights-Briar Hill community updates.


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