What’s Happening in Huntington Hills

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Spring has finally sprung! Here are a few updates on what we’ve been up to here at HHCA.

Our Spring Market took place on Saturday, May 6 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. We had so many amazing vendors who brought their beautiful creations. The Huntington Pioneers Association also held their Art Show showcasing all the beautiful artwork they’ve been working on. Thank you to our vendors, the HPA, Community Food Truck Group, and everyone who stopped by and made the day a success! Can’t wait to see you at our next market!

Get your cowboy hats and boots ready, our yearly Stampede Breakfast is back on July 15 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm! We’re bringing back the delicious pancakes everyone knows and loves. This year we’ll have a petting zoo, live entertainment, and so much more! Great fun for the whole family. Can’t wait to see you there!

Interested in volunteering? We’re going to need some helping hands to help make the day a success. If you’re interested in volunteering for the Stampede Breakfast or other events, fill out the volunteer questionnaire on our website!

Drop-in Roller Skating has officially started! Drop in during the spring and summer months for a fun session of roller skating. The perfect activity as the weather warms up. Drop-in is $5 or free with your HHCA membership! Times are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Don’t forget to bring your gear!

On April 23 we had our annual community cleanup in partnership with the City of Calgary. Attendees were able to dispose of unwanted household items. The event was a success! Thank you to the City of Calgary, Calgary Drop-In Centre, Shanked E-Waste, Navajo Metals, Sandstone Valley 224 Scouts, St. Henry’s School, and our volunteers for helping the cleanup run smoothly. Until next year!

There’s still time to sign up for summer camps! Our Out of School Care programs will be running their summer camps once again this year. With fun activities planned all summer long, it’s the perfect way to spend those long summer months. There are currently two types of camps available. The Child Summer Camp for grades K to 6 and the Youth Camp for ages 12 to 16, both have limited spots available. For inquiries and to sign up, contact Cassandra and Sarah at [email protected] or 587-392-2265.

Click here to the Huntington Hills Community News home page for the latest Huntington Hills community updates.