Kincora’s January President’s Message


Hi Kincora,

Well, it’s 2021, as we all look forward, I think it’s time we also think about what you want your Community Association to bring to you. Did you know, even with the challenges of last year, the KCA did a Canada Day parade, a parade of garage sales, drive-in movie night, and a holiday decorating contest? We, along with our volunteers, run the community skating rink. How does this happen? Commitment from local volunteers to join the board, volunteers at our events, or as simple as homes purchasing a $20 membership. If you’re taking the time to read this message, you’re interested in your community. However, we can’t do this alone. Please take the time to go to our website at or find the membership form in this newsletter and donate your $20 for a yearly membership. That $20 investment grows to support all of the things that make Kincora great. We are planning to bring back the Community Cleanup, parade of garage sales, and we have tentative plans for if our Stampede breakfast can return. No matter what happens, we’ll strive to continue to be active and visible in the community. If you’ve made it this far in this message, have you considered joining the board? Currently we have nine of eleven seats filled. We are looking for two more community members to join our board to bring us back up to a full eleven. The two roles we are ideally looking for are, someone to drive our sponsorships, and someone else to help keep tabs on our website. We meet once a month, you pitch in to events and committees where you can, and generally we have a great time shaping the future of Kincora. If you want to get involved, now is the time. Please feel free to reach out to me directly and I can answer any questions or give you more information. Happy New Year Kincora!

Travis Merrick, President

KCA | [email protected] | 587-917-3125