Hello Kincora,
I hope you have been having fun at the rink. Remember, it is open till April 1. By the time this newsletter reaches you, Kincora Community Association (KCA) would have hosted our first event of the New Year, the Annual Winter Festival. I hope you enjoyed some hot chocolate and donuts at the Winter Festival and the wagon rides.
Don’t forget to catch some spring fun at our annual Easter Egg Hunt on April 5, 2:00 to 4:00 pm. As always lot of events are being planned, make sure your KCA membership is up to date for this year. We have been updated our website with the list of events. Please do make a note. By this time next month, we will also announce Parade of Garage Sales. We will advertise it here in the newsletter as well as on the website.
Bit of sad news, Murray Stene, who served as the treasurer on the board has resigned. He has always done an excellent job of keeping our books intact and filing the paperwork for keeping the board afloat year after year. His absence will be a significant gap in the board. If you are a numbers person and wouldn’t mind keeping books, we would love to have you on our team. Treasurer is a very important role. In fact, KRA is also looking for a treasurer on their board. We are the most successful community associations in NW Calgary. Our local public representatives support us. With the help of the KRA we are able to bring some amazing events to the community. So come on in, join the board and do your bit to this amazing community of Kincora which we all call home.
Have a wonderful spring season ahead!
Mallika Velamuri
President, KCA
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