Kincora’s President’s Message for December

Kincora cn

Hello Kincora,

To those of you celebrating Christmas, a very Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones! May the blessings of the season be with you.

It is that time of the year when the weather gets colder, and we yearn for warmer places. If your family is looking for some ice fun, our board is working on getting the rink ready weather permitting. Just please be mindful of keeping garbage off the surface and remember to use helmets while you skate. Safety first! Our volunteer crew spends many hours building and maintaining the ice and with your help we can continue to have the best Adopt-a-Rink in Calgary!

Our rink maintenance crew is always looking for more volunteers. Our crew shovels, floods, and keeps the area clean and maintained for safe and fun use all winter. Normally, we flood between 8:00 and 11:00 pm, with as much notice as we can provide based on the weather. We’ll get the firepits going to keep warm, enjoy some beverages, and make sure we get in and out as quickly as we can. Please come and join us if you are interested.

This past year was a busy year for the board. We worked hard to bring the various events to you throughout the year. The board has also been working on the business plans for the pond playground and the sporting amenity planned for the Kincora fields. It is a lot of work on the shoulders of nine members of this board to file the paperwork necessary to keep the board in good stead; to look after finances; to manage vendor relationships; to manage memberships, website, and emails; to plan, organize and bring events to fruition; and on top of all this to work on business plans. In this aspect I have a request to all of Kincora. We are still looking for a Communications Director – someone to put our newsletter content together and manage our social media and/or a person to be the main point of contact to organize the Easter Egg Hunt event in collaboration with the Symons Valley Church. If this sounds interesting to you or someone you know please reach out to me. Also, our membership is at 149. I know we can do better. So, if you or any of your friends have not purchased/renewed their KCA membership, please encourage to renew as soon as possible. Your $20 helps the board to bring the various exciting events we have lined up for you in the New Year.

Winter Festival will soon be announced on the KCA website and Facebook page. It sets off our New Year event planning. Do please look out for the date as it is announced. As always there will be horse wagon rides, hot chocolate, donuts, and more. Anyone willing to sponsor this event or want to have a booth with a few winter games, please write to me at [email protected].

We have already begun planning for 2025 events – Winter Festival, Easter Egg Hunt, Colours Festival – Holi, Earth Day Cleanup, Parade of Garage Sales, Community Cleanup, and our grand Stampede Breakfast. If you would like to see more events or have an idea for community involvement, do not hesitate to write to me at [email protected].

Catch you at the rink soon!

Until we meet again, be nice to each other and stay warm!

Mallika Velamuri

President, Kincora Community Association

[email protected]

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