Kincora’s Tips to Save on Fuel

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by MPC Foundation

Recently, you may have visited a gas pump and shaken your head in resignation at the triple digit numbers staring back at you or braved the ten-mile-long line at Costco to fill up at a discount. While you may not be planning a cross-Canada trip this year, there are still groceries to be hauled home in your family’s truck and so many places to go! With gas prices at an all-time high, here are some useful tips from AMA to save money at the pump:

Reduce your speed. Just by slowing down, you can save 30% on fuel costs – so let the speeders pass right by as you revel in saving money.

Don’t drive aggressively. Speeding, fast starts, and hard stops increases fuel consumption by 33% on highways and 5% around town.

Change your oil regularly. How many times you have ignored the dreaded “engine oil low” blinker because it always seems to show on the busiest week you’ve ever had? Scheduling regular oil changes increases gas mileage by up to 12%.

Reduce idling. As you idle at the A&W drive-thru, every 10 seconds that you leave your engine on uses about one-third of a liter of fuel. Those cents add up when your cheeseburger takes seven minutes to make!

Travel light. Do you pack your car like you’re moving across the country? Reduce your baggage – extra bags, your brand-new dumbbells – and save on gas.

Replace air filters. Changing your clogged air filters can improve mileage by 10%.

By combining these tips, you can smile in victory as your trips to the gas station will be less frequent and you can treat yourself to an extra meal out or continue to save up for that new gadget you’ve been eyeing. Happy summer travels!

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