Mount Pleasant Times Social Club – November Update


The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age – Lucille Ball.

Monthly Lunches: With the return of autumn, we’re “back” in the hall for our monthly lunches. We always hope to have outdoor lunches with bocce and horseshoes in July and August but Calgary’s weather and wildfire smoke in the air kept us indoors both months.

Day Trips: Our September 5 journey to the Yamnuska Wolfdog Sanctuary was a great success. If you haven’t yet visited the Sanctuary, be sure to put it on your bucket list of must-see places. It’s a short drive from Calgary and very close to Cochrane for some shopping and a cone or two from MacKay’s. Yamnuska is a non-profit Sanctuary dedicated to driving awareness and education surrounding wolfdog ownership. The staff provides educational programs, informational resources, and assists in homing wolfdogs that have been neglected, abandoned, or otherwise displaced. There are currently 55 permanent wolfdog residents.

We enjoyed a private session on a viewing platform inside one of the enclosures. The guide told us about wolfdogs and answered our many questions while occasionally throwing food out to the wolfdogs living in that enclosure. It was interesting watching the wolfdogs and the keen attention they paid to the guide, waiting for the next food offering. We then had time to walk past the enclosures to view other wolfdogs and to take in a Wolfdog Wisdom Session. This included a guide inside an enclosure interacting with a wolfdog and answering more of our questions.

We’re now looking forward to our sold-out November 28 trip to see Christmas On The Air at Rosebud Theatre.

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