Mount Pleasant’s May Crafternoon Sessions


Arts and Crafts Sessions for All Ages

We are grateful that until now, our program has been fully funded by the Mount Pleasant Community Association. Beginning in May, we must share in some of the costs to run the classes. There will be a non-refundable ticket price of $15 per class moving forward. These two-hour classes are sponsored by MPCA and include all instruction, supplies, and materials.

There is limited space available at these popular sessions to allow the instructor to give sufficient attention to everyone. You can sign up to receive email notification of upcoming classes or click the ‘Events’ button on our website,, to check what classes are on tap. Adults of all ages are welcome to attend but you must have a current MPCA membership and register in advance. If you sign up for a class and find you can’t attend, please let Anne know as soon as possible. This avoids purchasing class supplies that aren’t used or may allow someone on the waiting list to take your place.

May Classes:

Wednesday, May 10, 1:30 to 3:30 pm – Ceramic Bird House: Connie Zerger will help us make perfectly charming, functional birdhouses. Perhaps we will entice some delightful Chickadees to our yards.

Wednesday, May 17, 1:30 to 3:30 pm – Painted Terracotta Plant Pots: Get a good start on spring gardening by decorating a terracotta plant pot with acrylic paint. The finishing touch will be potting an aromatic annual.

Wednesday, May 31, 1:30 to 3:30 pm – Watercolour Pencil Crayons: Explore this compelling medium with Tracy Franks. These pencil crayons draw and colour as usual, but are water soluble, creating some unusual effects.

For further information or to sign up for email notifications, contact Anne at [email protected] or 403-282-3675.

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