Big News for the North Haven Learning Ground!

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Spring is here and the Learning Grounds are waking up after winter. The project team has been busy closing out Phase 1 of the naturalization project at North Haven Elementary School and is planning for Phase 2. We are very excited to announce that Phase 2 is going to be amazing! The North Haven Learning Grounds was recently awarded $125,000 through the Alberta Community Facility Enhancement Program (CFEP) fund. This is huge news for the project and means that we will indeed be able to plant more trees, extend pathways, and continue to develop this wonderful space in the heart of our community.

The CFEP award is special because it is a matching grant. This means we had to have $125,000 raised towards the project in order to win an additional $125,000, the maximum amount awarded through the CFEP fund. Your donated bottles, school sports day toonies, and cash donations – nearly $10,000 in individual cash donations – made a huge difference. The Leaning Grounds team would like to sincerely thank everyone who contributed to this project; this is your win, too.

A special thank-you to our local business sponsors: Calgary Fine Dentistry, Dale Green Realty, LD&A, Mortgage Connection, Pelican Pier, Trace Associates, Pembina Pipelines, and Whitecap Resources.

Detailed design work for The Learning Grounds Phase 2 is now underway, with construction expected to begin this summer.

North Haven Learning Grounds Team

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