How’s It Growing North Haven ?

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The NHCA Community Gardeners have been hard at work on their plots. See if you can spot the tomato plants, beans, beets, marigolds, tomatillos, and even asparagus! Many volunteers have been trained on how to access City water for filling their water barrels and maintaining the orchard, and their help is really keeping this garden blooming! We hope your plot, home garden, or balcony plants are also enjoying the sunshine.

We’ve had some great contributions to our garden, from donated seeds, tools, and hemp mulch to some fantastic artwork! The local youth gardeners joined us on Garden Opening Day and helped decorate the area around our tool bin. Come see the garden for yourself on August 17 – we have an event in the works. For more information about the community garden, or to stay tuned for event details, visit

Happy gardening!

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