North Haven’s Gardening Tips for February

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Hello Garden Lovers!

We are still firmly in the midst of winter, but I have still been enjoying my garden, as transformed as it is by the cold and snow. Last season I removed some grass and planted a section of lawn alternative called “Bee Turf” containing a mix of clover, a couple of grasses, and five other flowering species including Sweet Alyssum, Western Yarrow, and Baby Blue Eyes. This patch of garden was lush and green with the Alyssum flowering in abundance and smelling amazing. It needs less water than grass, can be mowed and is attractive to pollinators, I was still spotting bees here in October.

Now that this area is snow covered, I can still see it serving local wildlife. The neighbourhood jackrabbits have been digging through the snow to eat this higher quality forage, and I have to admit, this is the only area in my garden I don’t mind them eating. It will grow back next year.

Renée Bellavance