Parkdale Message from the Board – June 2023

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Hello Parkdale,

Summer is upon us, and with it, we can look forward to warm weather and chances to enjoy precious time with friends and family. Of course, quite a number of people use summertime to get away for a while, but let’s not forget that there is a whole range of activities and events in and around Calgary – truly something for everyone. Cycling, barbecues, festivals, sports, nightlife – you name it, it’s here, and it’s also adapting all the time to what people here like to see and do.

A Calgary summer isn’t complete without the Stampede being a centrepiece, with all that surrounds that week of fun. Many families must also turn to the age-old situation of the kids being off from school – what are they going to do for the next two months? Everyone wants to make the best of the time we’re given, and there’s a lot to consider!

At Parkdale Community Association, we know that our residents and neighbours enjoy taking advantage of summertime outdoors in our community, and we want to help you enjoy the local and so we have plans for summer and beyond. We want to have our rink space well-utilized in the summer, just like it is in the winter; we are adding features like booked times with new sports equipment. We will of course continue to offer events in the summer with some exciting changes in store to make them more valued and welcoming to you. And the nearby permanent features like the park space and playground are great for an evening diversion, topped off by a walk through our garden to see what our members are growing. Our local businesses love to see residents too; if you’re visiting, let them know that you live close by.

What are some of the things you like about our neighbourhood in the summer? Are there other things you would like to see Parkdale offer – in summer or otherwise? Let us know! Post on our Facebook or Instagram, drop us an email at [email protected], or if you know one of our volunteers, please pass on your thoughts!

Parkdale Community Association

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