Exciting New Developments for Parks in Ranchlands Including Ranchero Park


The Ranchlands Playground Rebuild Committee

The City, in partnership with the Ranchlands Community Association is looking for people who are passionate about Ranchlands and the community parks to help rebuild old playgrounds. This is a committee that would work under the Ranchlands Community Association to help build brand-new play spaces in Ranchlands. As aging playground equipment meets the end of its lifecycle and as community demographics change, we will explore how these community gathering places can better meet the needs of residents. This may involve improving the existing play structures to align with current play and safety standards or reimaging the space to better serve the community needs.

These projects are being funded in part by The City’s Parks and Playground Amenities Program (PAPA), a funding stream recently approved by City Council that focuses on improving park spaces that need it most. At these sites, we would like to explore with community members what park amenities might better meet their needs. Some playgrounds are at the end of their lifecycle and will be improved with the addition of new, enhanced playground equipment and amenities. The task of the Playground Rebuild Committee will be to engage the community to learn more about how they would like to use the park spaces within their neighbourhoods. The public engagement process focuses on exploring different amenities in select parks and greenspaces, not on repurposing these spaces for a different use.

If you are interested in sitting on this new committee, please reach out to the Ranchlands Community Association, and if you know anyone else who may be interested in joining the committee, please feel free to forward them the information.

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