Guiding in Ranchlands


Time flies while we are having so much fun! In the tail end of the winter, we skated at our Ranchlands Community rink, learned all about fishes at Fishtival held by Bow Habitat Station, made beautiful soap with Bowness Soapworks, went swimming at the YMCA Rocky Ridge, and even watched a movie at our neighbourhood movie theatre. Once spring arrived, our desire of growth became evidently unstoppable. In May, we visited our Crowfoot Library and Calgary Fire Department Station 21, then survived our District Camp at Girl Guide’s Jubilee Camp in Cochrane, just kidding, we thrived with smiles and pride. Who doesn’t like spending a weekend surrounded by nature and good friends!

We worked hard raising money for our unit and would like to thank you for supporting our Girl Guide Cookie fundraising!

This guiding year is coming to an end, but we are all looking forward to the next guiding year! Besides continuing to serve the existing 60th Guide unit (Ages 9 to 11) and 82nd Pathfinder unit (Ages 12 to 14), we are opening a new Spark unit for our Ranchlands Community. All three units will meet at the same time and places, 6:30 to 8:00 pm on Thursdays at Ranchlands Community Centre. We sincerely wish to support families with multiple daughters.

The fact is, not only girls grow in guiding, but guiders also enjoy our sisterhood and this life-long learning and serving opportunity in guiding. At the moment, we have four Ranchlands Guiders. If you are interested in joining guiding, please feel free to connect with us.

The registration for the next guiding year 2024 to 2025 has begun. For joining girl guides or a new unit, please register your girl in phase three which opens at 8:00 am (MST) on Monday, June 10.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. If you would like to buy some Girl Guide Cookies, definitely reach out to us at [email protected]. Thank you for supporting community together through your support for guiding.

Click here to the Ranchlands Community News home page for the latest Ranchlands community updates.


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