Ranchlands CA President’s Message for July


“Neighbours by chance, communities by choice” is the lens that our association is using as we plan how to continue to support and serve our Ranchlands community. We will have hosted our Neighbour Day Eve event as you read this. The ideas and enthusiasm that flowed from the board members at our retreat evening in May to celebrate were creative and fun! Many other ideas are percolating at the same time. If you have an idea for an event, please email me at [email protected] for consideration. We also welcome community members to attend our monthly board meeting to provide input and be a part of putting on events.

Ranchlands Hall Promotion: Continuing from last month, we really want to promote the rental of our hall – both short-term and long-term rentals help pay for the cost of operating the building and providing us with an anchor to run our programs. We get good reviews from our renters, so please promote our space to your family and friends. https://ranchlandscommunity.com/rentals/.

Special Meeting Notice: Our bylaws that govern us were revised in 2017 and will have a small refresh in September. We are inviting everyone to a short Special Meeting on Wednesday, September 4 at 6:15 pm to approve the changes and submit. One item of discussion is increasing the number of board members to allow for greater input and diversity in our group. This would be wonderful if we could have these in place before our Annual General Meeting in November.

Solar Panels: You may be aware that Ranchlands was an early adopter of solar panels as a means of cost savings and reducing our environmental footprint. In May, Anita Rafaelle (our Facility Manager and Past President) and I were interviewed by Enmax inquiring about the impact and cost savings of the panel. As we answered questions, it became evident that sustainability of our building falls in line with the sustainability of a vibrant community… by choice!

Kathy Ervin

RCA President

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