Ranchland’s December President’s Message


Happy December Ranchlands!

I truly hope you are having a happy holiday season and that you are spreading the spirit where you can!

Now on to some community news!!

In November, we hosted our AGM and saw a change in some of the board members. Please join me in welcoming Anita Raffaele, Christina Bain, Mitchell Clarke, and Sabrina Savage to the Board of Directors! Melanie Grier and Nadine Bird are back to join us for another term also! I am so excited to see what this team can do for the community and cannot wait for you to meet them.

We also had to close our doors on November 27, due to the enhanced COVID restrictions, but we will bounce back, and please stay up to date with us by checking our Facebook page!

We have also launched our RCA Merch collection, so make sure to check social media or email the hall for information on where you can grab yours! Thank you to everyone who already purchased, the money from this ongoing fundraising initiative will go a long way in our community.

In addition to this, the need for the Ranchlands Food Pantry (RFP) continues to grow, but our donations have been dwindling. If you can donate in any way (monetary or goods), please let us know, and check out the announced dates for the next donation night!

As always, if you don’t follow us on Facebook, you should! That is the best place to stay up to date with community happenings. We are working to get the Round Up back door to door, but currently Facebook is our primary point of news!

Happy Holidays Everyone!

CJ Kinsella, President