Ranchlands President’s Message for April


Let me start by thanking all the amazing volunteers who worked at our Fundraising Casino on March 22 and 23!! With just a few hours of your time, we were able to raise funds that keep us operating and benefit the entire community! Thank you, on behalf of the entire RCA Board of Directors, for your support!

With COVID-19 restrictions now behind us, we are finally able to start opening the community association building to our residents for events and programming. At the beginning of March, we held our first indoor event in over two years and were ecstatic to see so many residents come out to see us and grab some free hot chocolate and hotdogs. With crafts for the little ones, milk jug curling, and even a community bingo game, it was a fantastic time. With the turbulent nature of the pandemic, it was easy to forget how much we can all gain from in-person connections and conversations. I know I really enjoyed being able to chat with some of the attendees and hear their ideas for future events and programs.

Our next event will be our Easter event on Saturday, April 16. Though it will look a little different than it has in the past, as we won’t be having an egg hunt, we will have plenty of other fun things happening, so we hope to see you there.

We will also be having our annual Parade of Garage Sales at the end of May so keep an eye out for info on that!

We have been working on relaunching our programming over the past few weeks, but plan to do this slowly so we make sure we are fitting the needs of the community (a lot can change in two years!). If there are any programs or meeting groups that you would like to see us offer, or that you previously attended and would love to come back, please reach out to us!

Anita Raffaele