Ranchlands President’s Message – July


As we hit Stampede season, I wanted to take the time to touch on volunteering again. The RCA, in the past, held an annual Stampede pancake breakfast that was hugely popular both for Ranchlanders and those from surrounding communities. Unfortunately, in the last few years, we haven’t held this event as we didn’t have the volunteers needed to plan one and such a huge endeavor really does require an army of volunteers.

We have regularly held family events throughout the year, such as our Halloween event and Easter Egg Hunt, but these events are also now suffering from a lack of volunteers, making it impossible for us to plan or hold these. Events for the community are a huge part of the RCA’s purpose, but we can’t do it without the help and support of our residents.

We have unfortunately had to make the hard decision to cancel our community cleanup that was planned for Saturday, July 8. We hope to be able to hold smaller cleanup events in the fall, so keep an eye on our Facebook for that information.

We have our upcoming casino fundraiser taking place on Thursday, August 31 and Friday, September 1 at Ace Casino. This is the single biggest source of funding for the RCA and helps us fund repairs to our building. If you have questions about volunteering with this event, please reach out to the office and we will provide a registration link closer to the date.

We also have two upcoming swap shop events; we are asking for donations of gently used kids as well as baby clothing and gear. These events are a great way to pass along outgrown clothes and pick up some new things, just in time for back to school.

The swap shops are open to all and generously supported by the TD Parks People Grant.

Kids’ Clothing Swap (school aged kids): Saturday, August 12 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm

Baby Clothing Swap (ages 6 and under): Saturday, September 16 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm

Donations of clean, used clothing can be dropped off at the community hall (7713 Ranchview Drive NW) from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm from Monday to Friday or on Wednesdays from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm.

Anita Raffaele


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