Rosemont’s December President’s Message


To say this year has been challenging is an obvious understatement. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the world, and Alberta, has been huge and devastating. Our little enclave of Rosemont has managed to weather the storm fairly well. Thanks to strong community ties and support from provincial agencies, our little community will survive quite well into the coming year. But the huge impact on the households of Rosemont cannot be underestimated. People have lost their jobs, children have had to be home-schooled, there have been lockdowns and self-isolation, masks and cancelled celebrations, and the constant threat of someone you love coming down with this insidious virus has worn everyone to a frazzle. We in Rosemont have risen to the challenge as best we could. At the onset off the lockdown, we had Kosha M. acting as our outreach contact in Rosemont for anyone having difficulty. We locked down the Hall and had to substitute virtual gatherings over the in-person events we so enjoy. Matthew, Craig, and Austin put on our first, and very successful, virtual beer tasting event that was outstanding in every way. Residents put on kid’s art displays on the sidewalks and others had socially distanced neighborhood get togethers. If you never appreciated Confed Park, you probably owe a good deal of your mental sanity to the ability to stroll out your front door, and end up in its wonderfully calming atmosphere…along with a few hundred of your neighbours. I guarantee that you have met and talked to neighbours you have never seen before, and in a weird way, have bonded together as only a crisis can make you. No sports, no music, no live anything, and no fun could send you into a very dark place. But so far, people are taking care of each other to an extent we haven’t seen since the 2013 flood. Buying groceries, shoveling walks, or cutting the grass, saying hello and asking how you are doing, and actually stopping and listening and caring about the answer. Telling each other to stay safe and healthy, and actually meaning it. If nothing else, this year has shown us what really matters in our lives, and how much of our freedom we have taken for granted. Freedom to travel, freedom to pursue your dreams, freedom to hug the ones you love. Without our freedom, we have nothing. And thank God for Rosemont, most of these freedoms we have not taken for granted. What we have done this year is care for one another, and care for our little community, so that when this awful period passes, we can once again walk down the street, call out to our neighbours and ask how they’re doing, stop and listen to their answer, and really care about what they are saying. This is one good thing about this terrible period I hope never changes. Please stay safe and healthy.

Thanks to everyone who attended our AGM. I know these are challenging times, but we really appreciated your interest and support. A thanks to Sean Chu and Jeremy Nixon, for giving us all a summary of what’s happening in government around us.

Kurt and Company took advantage of light snow and cold in mid November to get things rolling, and hopefully with a little cooperation from Mother Nature, we should have the ice in by early December. Anyone interested, is more than welcome to join us down at the rinks any Monday or Thursday night after 7pm to help out. You can keep up with the antics of the now Famous Rosemont Ice Guys at their blog at

Another feature of the great Rosemont Ice will be Shinny Hockey. The action starts January 5 and goes to the end of March, or until there is no more ice. The sessions will run from 5:30 to 6:30 Tuesday nights at the almost famous Rosemont Community Association. It will be for ages 6 to 12. The cost will be $30 per player. Everyone is welcome regardless of financial status.

Due to the ongoing pandemic restrictions, we will be keeping all the hockey activities outside. We’re asking all players to show up at the rink ready to go, except for their skates. We’ll have the firepit going for a warm-up area, but the Hall will be available for individuals to go in and warm-up. We will have hot chocolate available outside, but we will have to limit access to the Hall.

Players of any age and ability are welcome. We’ll have our great coaches to help improve your skill level and have fun. However, our wonderful coordinator, Jean, is looking to spend more time at her place in Creston. So, we are looking for an energetic person who can help her out this year, and then transition into the role for next season. If you could spare 4 hours every Tuesday, from January to March, please contact Jean Blackstock at 403-305-9447 or by email at [email protected].

Our intrepid traffic committee representative, Will Zantvoort, has been working diligently with the City to address two major issues in Rosemont. The first came to our attention in the City’s review of lowering the residential speed limit. They intended to keep Rosehill Drive at 50km/hr. We have petitioned the City, and specifically Sean Chu who has forwarded on our recommendation, to lower the speed limit on Rosehill Drive to 40km/hr. We encourage all Rosemont residents to also voice their concerns by filling out a very short survey at

Thanks for all your support in keeping our kids safe. Because as you know, they will run across the road. Will is also working with the City to address the community’s concerns about the intersection of Rosehill and Rosewood. He is working on a traffic calming proposal that would involve two bump outs at the intersection. He is also working with the City on some form of public consultation that will be held in the new year. Look for further notices in the newsletter, and on our website.

The committee looking at improvements to the dog park near Queen’s Park Cemetery have been working through some different options to further enhance this popular park. The committee headed by Daryl B, will be putting forward some ideas in January for public comment. Watch for a bulletin board (hopefully) appearing at the dog park, sometime in the next couple of months, that will outline the initial plans, meeting dates, and funding options. As always, the success of this project will be dependent on volunteer support, both physically and financially. Details on how you can get involved and help out will be coming in the new year. Thanks to Daryl Beatty, Ben, and the rest of the Committee for all their efforts in keeping this project moving forward in these challenging times.

Nordic Skiing in Calgary?

When people think of Nordic skiing most often they think of gliding along beautifully groomed trails in the mountains. Perhaps it would surprise you to know that there is also plenty of great Nordic skiing right here in Calgary. Both Confederation Golf Course and Shaganappi Point Golf Course have groomed Nordic ski trails that are open to the public and groomed by volunteers from different organizations. As well, the City of Calgary maintains a variety of groomed trails in Bowness Park and South Glenmore Park and also at the Maple Ridge Golf Course. By taking advantage of the groomed trails right here in Calgary, you are able to enjoy the fresh air and get a terrific workout in without having to spend a lot of time driving.

Nordic skiing is a great way to exercise and follow the guidelines for social distancing by participating in an activity outdoors. It is an enjoyable family friendly activity suitable to all ages and skill levels. While most people choose to purchase their own ski equipment, it is possible to rent before making the initial investment. It is also possible to find used equipment for sale online or through retailers and local ski clubs.

Hopefully you are inspired to try Nordic skiing this winter and maybe even volunteer a bit. Happy Trails!

We really need a new secretary. This position takes up approximately 3 hours per month, mainly to record minutes from our monthly meetings, which usually last a couple of hours. We need this position filled to continue forward into the new year. Once again, if you could spare your community a few hours a month, please contact us at [email protected].

To everyone in beautiful Rosemont, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Take Care!

From the Rosemont Community Association

Kris, Matthew, Diane, Mel, Jacquie, Will, Colin, and Jean