Rosemont’s March President’s Message


The quick rundown:

  1. Family Movie Night – March 12 at 6:30 pm
  2. Enter to win a gift card to Nick’s Steakhouse!
  3. Save the Date – California Beer and Wine Tasting
  4. Looking for Board Members and Web Designer

Howdy Rosemontians! I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.

Assuming that Step Two of the province’s COVID easing measures has been implemented, we will be hosting a Family Movie night at the hall on March 12 at 6:30 pm. Check the website for which movie we will be showing, but this is a free event. Wear your pajamas, bring a blanket and/or pillow to sit/lie down on, and enjoy with some popcorn and drinks. Bevvies for the adults will also be provided. And we support whatever choice you decide regarding masking. Based on past events, there should be a reasonable amount of social distancing.

We also want to say thank you to all of the awesome Rosemontians who are engaged with our community association and the community at large. We are giving away three gift cards to the fantastic Nick’s Steakhouse (owned by a fellow Rosemontian in case you didn’t know!). All residents who have signed up for a free community membership this year are entered!!! If you haven’t signed up yet, you can do so for free (assuming you live in Rosemont) at by March 15. And remember to keep supporting local businesses, non-profits, and arts organizations.

Do you love California? Beer? Wine? Food? If you answered yes to one or more of the above, save the date for April 30, as we will be hosting a California Adventure of beer and wine tasting. And assuming that things are getting back to normal, it will even be in-person! WOO!!! So, save the date and more information is to come!

We have lots of great renters at the hall and with things opening up, classes and events are starting up again. For more information about LDK Foundations karate and Common Digs educational classes, visit the Programs page of our website to learn more about their upcoming classes.

Finally, if you love meeting new people and want to help keep Rosemont as the best small community in Calgary, we’d love for you to join our Board or help volunteer! We are always looking for new board members and it is a small time commitment each month. If you want to learn more, email us at [email protected].

If you have a budding web developer, web designer or communications specialist at home who is looking to volunteer in their community while building their portfolio, let us know as we would love their help with redesigning our website.

As always, keep looking after neighbours, your loved ones and yourself.