Rosemont’s President’s Message for August


The quick rundown:

  1. New website
  2. Fall programs
  3. Start Up BBQ – September 10

Howdy Rosemontians! I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.

How is everyone doing after Stampede? I’m writing this on the first weekend of Stampede, and it is great to see the city coming alive again and all the corporate cowboys and cowgirls dressed up and giving our hospitality industry a much-needed boost. Hopefully, everyone continues to stay safe, stay home when sick, and follow public health guidelines. It’s so easy to think we are completely in the clear, but numbers are starting to creep up in various parts of the country. Let’s commit to making tiny sacrifices so that we can continue to enjoy summer and the rest of the year.

First of all, a huge thank you to all of the volunteers and terrific folks who helped make the 2022 Rosemont Stampede Breakfast come to life. It was a fantastic time, with lots of pancakes, sausages, and music. Again, thank you so much to everyone who volunteered to help out. We can’t do these types of events without your help.

As you may have noticed by now, we have a new website up and running! A fellow Rosemontian, Karen Patton, has led this incredible transformation and brought our website and email blasts into 2022. We are going to make more resources available on the website, including a directory of Rosemontian-owned businesses, city resources, and more timely information of things going on in and around the community. Plus, our email blasts will get a terrific new rebranding. Thanks again to Karen for so much hard work (seriously, it was insane). Check out the new if you haven’t visited it yet.

Our hall has lots of terrific programs starting back up soon. LDK Foundation is offering kids and adult karate classes in the fall. And our friends at Common Digs have kids’ workshops and programs focused on nature and personal growth.

We may be hosting a smaller event this month, possibly at the Mount Pleasant pool, so keep an eye on the (new!) website and sign up for our emails if you don’t already get them.

And save the date for Saturday, September 10 for the Rosemont Start Up BBQ. More details to come!

As always, thank you for reading all the way to the end and I encourage you to say hi to anyone and everyone you see walking in the community this summer and fall. We live in such an awesome community and there are so many great people you probably haven’t met yet. I mean, assuming you haven’t met me, that’s at least one! I think my wife’s eyes just rolled into the back of her head…. I should quit typing now or she might forcibly take the laptop from me…

Keep looking after your families, friends, neighbours, and yourselves. Have a wonderful rest of summer everyone!