Rosemont’s President’s Message for January

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Howdy Rosemontians!

Happy new year and hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing holiday season.

We have just one or two spaces left for helping with our Casino fundraising event on January 23 and 24. Please email Ian at [email protected] if you would like to learn more about the spots available. It is a great event that helps us continue to offer free events, hall upgrades, and is a great chance to meet some new folks in the neighbourhood.

With the recent blanket rezoning bylaw going into effect, some residents have been asking about a legal tool called Restrictive Covenants (RCs) that can limit development on a property. We have compiled an information sheet with basic information, available at

There will also be a Restrictive Covenant information session at the hall on February 10 at 7:00 pm. This session, hosted by private residents, will provide information about Restrictive Covenants based on information from other resident groups in Kelvin Grove, Lake Bonavista, Elbow Park et al; discuss the December 11 judicial ruling on blanket rezoning; and a discussion on other aspects impacting blanket rezoning, such as the upcoming election. This session is not hosted by Rosemont Community Association, but by concerned residents in the community. For more information, please contact Jean Blackstock at 403 305-9447 or email [email protected].

Our popular shinny program is back! Starting January 7 ~ March 11 on Tuesday nights from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. All participants aged 6 to 12 can join. The kids require hockey skates, neck guards, skate guards, hockey helmet and face mask and optionally knee and elbow pads. Patrick Palardy is ready to lead the kiddos through some outdoor fun this year! It costs $30 and requires a community membership either from Rosemont or another community (Rosemont residents get a free community membership by going to To register, please contact Jean Blackstock at 403-305-9447 or [email protected].

We are also looking to host an outdoor skating event with our friends at Rosemont School on February 8. Please visit our website at to learn more.

Looking for crime stats and information? Calgary Police Service (CPS) recently launched a reporting dashboard for the public with five years’ worth of data, broken down by community and crime type. To access the dashboard, please visit

You may have heard about Local Area Plans in the news a little while ago. These important documents shape what types of development can happen in communities and where density is or isn’t appropriate. We don’t have a set date when ours will start, but we will need some representation to be the voice of Rosemont. If you are interested in development and would like to help shape our communities, please email [email protected] to learn more.

Keep looking after your family, friends, neighbours, and yourselves.

Click here to the Rosemont Community News home page for the latest Rosemont community updates.