Rosemont’s President’s Message for July

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Howdy Rosemontians!

I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather, Confederation Park, and the great outdoors (assuming it isn’t too smoky). With school out and everyone enjoying the holidays, things are pretty slow around here. But summer also usually means an uptick in crime, so stay vigilant and if you see something suspicious, report it to the non-emergency line at CPS (403-266-1234). Or feel free to send us an email at [email protected] and we can forward your request to the CPS.

Unfortunately, we have canceled our Stampede Breakfast due to a lack of volunteer interest. We are still hopeful for a September BBQ, so stay tuned for that. If you would like to help out with the BBQ or any other events, please let us know. We can only put on events with the help of great people like you. Many hands make for light work.

If you are reading this and the City hasn’t implemented port-a-potties on the west side of 10 St by now, please submit 311 requests asking for it. Data drives their decisions, so more 311 requests mean a higher chance that people will be able to go to the bathroom when having picnics in the park.

If you are looking for free activities around the city, be sure to check out

Finally, we have fully transitioned to our new website and email addresses. Please visit us at All of our emails now end with instead of Please update your contacts accordingly.

As always, keep looking after family, friends, neighbours, and yourselves. Enjoy the summer!


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