Rosemont’s President’s Message for July

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Howdy Rosemontians!

Summer is in full swing, and I hope everyone is enjoying the great weather!

Break out your cowboy boots and practice your ‘Yahoos!’ because it’s Stampede time! And what better way to kick it off than with a free Stampede Breakfast at the hall. Come on down on July 6 from 8:30 to 10:30am for some live music, bouncy castle, trick roping from the (almost) famous Bud Edgar and of course, a great breakfast. So, throw on some plaid and enjoy a great time with your family and friends in Rosemont.

A huge thank you to Bent Nielsen and the volunteers who put on the Community Cleanup with our friends in Cambrian. They helped residents remove 8325 kg of waste! Here is a tip from Bent on how to get rid of stuff without taking it to the landfill: “I take a picture of what I don’t want and put an ad in Kijiji or Facebook Marketplace. In the morning, I put it as free. Typically, within a couple of hours I have a few requests for whatever it is, you wouldn’t believe what I have given away. As the adage goes one man’s junk is another man’s treasure. Then I select one of the responses and offer it to them if they pick it up before lunch (to ensure they are serious). Then I tell them I’ll put it on my front porch and forget about it. This never seems to fail.”

Thanks for the great tip Bent!

We are very fortunate to have Confederation Park in our backyard. It is always great to be able to take your kids, bikes, dogs or just yourself through the park. It is also a great place to enjoy a picnic with your friends and family. In case you didn’t know, there are certain picnic tables where alcohol can be consumed in Confederation Park. You just need to book the table in advance. Check out for details and booking.

One of the limitations of the park is the lack of washrooms on the west side of 10 St (near the hall and duck pond). I have struggled to get bathrooms on this side, despite years of trying. We believe that park-goers need this service and have decided to fund a port-a-potty pilot project. You will see a port-a-potty in the parking lot from June to September this year, for all park-goers to use while enjoying a picnic, a walk or an emergency with a toddler (speaking from experience…) Please submit your feedback on this project to us at [email protected] as we are trying to demonstrate the value and importance of this service on our side of Confederation Park, and please email us if you see it needs attention. We are volunteers so can’t be there 24/7 to monitor it.

Speaking of parks, if you have some knowledge about local plants and/or animals and would be interested in hosting a nature walk through the park, we would love your help! If you would like to donate an hour or two of your time and share your knowledge and passion with your neighbours, please email us at [email protected] and we will set up a nature walk for the community! Or if you have another idea that you would like to share with the community (i.e. dog walking group, toddler group etc), we would love to help make it a reality. This is how we keep our community strong.

As always, keep looking after your family, friends, neighbours, and yourselves.


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