Rosemont’s President’s Message for November

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Howdy Rosemontians!

First, please join us for our “AGM and Meet Your Community” event on Monday, November 18 at 6:30 pm. We will have updates on what happened throughout the community this past year, get updates from our friends at Rosemont School and our government representatives. This is also the time that you have the ability to vote on the Rosemont Executive Board (President, VP, Treasurer, Secretary) so please come and voice your support of the direction for Rosemont CA this upcoming year. You can attend in-person or virtually, but we need you to RSVP at You will not receive the hand-out package email if you don’t RSVP and it helps us with planning. Those in-person will be treated to wine or beer and snacks. This event is open to all those who live in Rosemont (you just need to sign up for a free membership if you haven’t already).

Looking for the perfect holiday present for that special someone in your life? Come down to our Christmas Market taking place on November 16 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. With over a dozen small local vendors, there is something for everyone on your list. Plus, enjoy some complimentary hot chocolate, coffee, and snacks as well and you’ll be getting in the holiday spirit in no time!

Keep an eye out in your inbox for registration for our kids shinny hockey program which will be starting up in January. Registration will be happening in late November and December.

Speaking of winter, if you are interested in helping out with ice rink flooding this year, shoot us an email and we’ll put you in contact with our fearless leader, Captain Kurt! It is a great way to meet some of the great guys in the community.

You may have noticed our port-a-potty in the parking lot by the hall. It has been a tremendous success, and we are happy with this pilot project. So happy, in fact, that we are going to continue to offer it over the winter to see how many folks it benefits. This project is 100% funded by the Rosemont Community Association and we have received no funding from the City on this project. But based on this significant need, we feel it is important to extend this pilot through the winter. If you feel it is valuable, please send an email to Councillor Chu indicating that bathrooms in parks are something that should be funded by council.

We will be having our next casino fundraising event on January 23 and 24 at Elbow River Casino. This is an opportunity for us to raise additional funds that enable us to continue offering free and low-cost events such as our Start Up BBQ, Stampede Breakfast, Pub Night, and more. It also enables us to make enhancements to our hall that we wouldn’t otherwise be able to do. This includes adding seacan storage units which give us a lot more secure space for our rink equipment and hockey nets, and space for our childcare tenants’ items. Other enhancements we have done include adding air conditioning, kitchen appliance upgrades and new chairs and tables. Without funding from the casino, we can’t do things like this. Please consider donating some time to help us continue to grow and offer quality services to the community and city at large. Email Ian at [email protected] for more information.

As always, keep looking after your family, friends, neighbours, and yourselves.


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