Rosemont’s President’s Message for September

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Howdy Rosemontians!

Welcome back to the start of another school year. There are a lot of new faces (both kids and staff) at Rosemont School and we are excited that everyone is getting back into the swing of things.

To kick off the new school year, all Rosemontians are invited to our annual Start Up BBQ at the hall on Saturday, September 9 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. We will have our new barbeque up and running, music, games for the kids, and the chance to reconnect with old friends and meet some new faces. This is a free event for those who live in Rosemont, so whether you are new to the community or have lived here for many years, whether you rent or own, we invite you to join us! All that we ask is that you sign up for our free membership ahead of time or at the event (details below).

It’s that time of the year to renew your membership or sign up if you haven’t before. Once again, we are offering free 2023/2024 memberships for all residents in Rosemont. Visit to sign up. You get access to our great events (like the free BBQ on September 9) and 10% off hall rentals. It is a win-win, so sign up today!

An update on the bathroom situation in Confederation Park that I mentioned in the last newsletter. We were able to meet with the park’s superintendent to discuss our concerns. We learned that there have been many issues with port-a-potties installed in other parks. In conjunction with vandalism and budget constraints, there won’t be any temporary bathrooms going up anytime soon.

However, it was a productive meeting as they learned more about our unique issues, and we gained insight into some of the issues that they are experiencing at other bathroom facilities in the city (and in other cities for that matter). The parks folks listened to our concerns and are adding some ‘no public washrooms’ signage around our hall and we have offered our support for a proper ‘parks bathrooms’ strategy/program that they are looking to implement. These types of things need support from Council and proper funding, so we will be advocating for that with our councillor ahead of budget deliberations. So not exactly what we hoped for but we’re making slow progress. Thank you to everyone who submitted 311 requests.

Be sure to check out the many programs starting up in September. Our friends at LDK Foundations Karate and Common Digs have lots of fall classes starting up soon. Details can be found at

As always, keep looking after family, friends, neighbours, and yourselves. Welcome back!


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