Rosemont’s President’s Report for June

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Howdy Rosemontians! I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.

This will be a pretty short message. We are getting into the summer season, and I don’t know about you, but I am looking forward to the sun, relaxing, and enjoying the park. Speaking of the park, if you are reading this and the city hasn’t implemented port-a-potties on the west side of 10 St by now, please submit 311 requests asking for it. Data drives their decisions so more 311 requests equals a higher chance people will be able to go to the bathroom when having picnics in the park.

Firstly, thank you to everyone for being civil and decent during the election. Things can get pretty heated, and it was great to see passionate folks sharing their opinions and exercising their democratic rights and responsibilities. Congratulations to the candidate that won the Calgary-Klein riding! I am writing this shortly after the writ dropped so I’m not sure who won yet, but I look forward to continuing to advocate on behalf of Rosemont residents, regardless of who is representing our neighourhood.

An absolutely huge thank you to Ian Kirkland and the 20+ volunteers who took time out of their days/evenings to help us out with the casino. This casino helps us continue to offer low-cost events to residents, such as our September BBQ and Winter Festival, improve the hall, and other initiatives. We honestly can’t do it without your support, so I sincerely thank you all for helping.

And another huge thank you to Kris, Craig, and Mel for coordinating and hosting our pub night!

Unfortunately, we have cancelled our Stampede Breakfast in July due to a lack of volunteer interest. Hopefully, we can look at starting it back up next year. Keep an eye our for details on our September BBQ.

If you have ideas for events and/or would like to help lead any of our fun events, please email us at [email protected].

Finally, we have fully transitioned to our new website and email addresses. Please visit us at Please note that all of our emails now end with instead of Please update your contacts accordingly.

As always, keep looking after family, friends, neighbours, and yourselves.


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