Rosemont’s September President’s Message


I hope everyone has been keeping safe and healthy…In our continuing surreal world of self-isolation, bubbles and social distancing, we are truly entering a very uncertain and scary Autumn. Unfortunately, we are continuing to cancel our regular slate of Community activities until things improve on the Pandemic side. But in keeping with the success of our virtual beer tasting last June, we are organizing a virtual Family Trivia night on Saturday, September 19 at 7:00 pm. We’re asking everyone to please register ahead of time on the Rosemont Community website ( As well, we’re encouraging folks to make this a dine-in event by ordering in dinner from your favourite restaurant. Your host for the evening will be our illustrious VP, Matthew. Please sign-up for what is always a very fun event.

The City is planning to pave RoseHill Drive from 14th to 10th Street. The milling date is scheduled for Sept. 11, with paving to follow on Sept. 23. Too bad the City couldn’t have scheduled this during the summer, but please be careful when taking your kids back and forth to school during this time. Our ever-optimistic traffic coordinator, Will V., tried talking to the City about putting in a “bump-out” at the Rosehill/Rosewood intersection. It only makes sense, but the City refused his request, yet again…

And talking about things that make no sense, I’d like to thank the industrious and very strong individuals who took the time and a lot of effort to lift one of our very heavy skating rink benches onto the roof of the Hall. It took Kurt and Craig some major effort to lift it back down and put it away. If whoever did this needs a serious workout, we have some paving stones that need leveling…

We were sad to bid farewell to Rosemont School’s principal Allison Bobenic. Our great school has continued to thrive even under these crazy times. Our new principal is Michelle Chastko. She was the assistant-principal at Catherine Nichols Gunn School for the past four years. Prior to that, she was a Learning Leader at Simons Valley School, a teacher at Edgemont School, and Valley View School. Her background and experience is in elementary school, teaching every grade from Kindergarten through to Grade 6, working with a variety of students. She has a strong background in resource, Response to Intervention, and literacy. She believes that students, families, staff, and community, work together in order to continue to provide a school environment where each student is known, included, cared for, and challenged to be their best selves. Like our motto, Strength in Community, you can rest assured that the CBE community, and outgoing Principal Allison Bobenic, will help ensure a smooth transition.

There has been an uptick in the number of vehicle and garage break-ins and bicycle thefts in Rosemont lately and we encourage you to keep a look out for individuals you may not recognize and/or suspicious activities. If you see suspicious activity, please report it to the Police and mention it to your neighbours:

Crime In Progress: Emergency calls – 9-1-1

Otherwise: Non-Emergency Calls – 403-266-1234

Hearing Impaired Line (24 hours): 403-538-6147

Calgary Police Service recommends following the 9PM Routine:

  • Remove valuables and garage door openers from cars
  • Lock Vehicles
  • Close overhead garage doors
  • Lock all external doors as well as those between garage and house
  • Ensure windows are shut
  • Turn on an exterior light

Report all activities and thefts to Calgary Police, but also please email us at [email protected] and we will forward onto our Community Resource Officer.

We are still on the search for a new secretary to record minutes of our meetings and be a part of our executive team. The position involved taking minutes at our monthly meetings as well as the Annual General meeting. This takes roughly 4 hours a month, and you get to hang out with some really interesting people. Once again, if you could spare your community a few hours a month, please contact us at [email protected].

Finally, the COVID crisis has cancelled all our regular Community events for the spring and summer. Our AGM is scheduled for Thursday, November 19…we are currently looking at various COVID rules for hosting such an event. Regardless, we will need to engage our Community members in a safe and proper manner. Please watch for notices on our website and on the Community sign.