Sandstone-MacEwan December Message from the President

Presidents Message Sandstone MacEwan

Merry Christmas and I hope this letter finds you in the festive spirit as the Christmas season is upon us.

The Sandstone MacEwan Community Association (SMCA) Annual General Meeting and elections were held October 18, 2018 and our executive and board are as follows: Sue Coatham, President; Trevor Bacon, Vice-President; Phil Nantais, 2nd Vice-President; Willa Wu, Secretary; and Sharon Mazurkewich, Treasurer.

The following are Directors: Wayne Watson (General), Carolyn Gomez (Memberships), Sarah Meagher-Bromley (Newsletter), Pinky Nantais (Casino), Shayne Chidlaw (Vivo Liaison), Jenn Bidlake-Schroeder (General), Trevor Bacon (Sandstock, Airport Liaison) and Joy Zimmerman (General). Thanks to all of you for continuing to volunteer your time towards our communities. A welcome to Wayne Watson who is our newest board member.

The board will be developing our goals and priorities for 2018-19 in the month to come.

Our hockey rink was vandalized by graffiti again last month and I’ve noticed other communities have been hit as well. This is a crime and a costly endeavor for us to pay to clean up. We were fortunate to catch the last culprits through our security cameras and they were charged with these crimes. Please report graffiti through the 311-city website.

As usual, we will be looking for volunteers to assist with the hockey rink this year. Last year there were evenings with only a couple of volunteers cleaning and flooding the rink and it’s too much work. This rink is available to all individuals, regardless of age, so whether you play hockey or not, please consider assisting when you can.

We plan to have family fun skates and will be posting notices for this at our Sandstone Park Oval. We have many aging seniors in our communities that are struggling to keep their walks shoveled and can’t afford to pay a company to clean their walks. Please look around and consider becoming a snow angel in your immediate area.

We have had a good response for our call out for volunteers to fill the dates for our SMCA Casino January 25 and 26, 2019 at the Calgary Casino however there are still a few spots to be filled. The SMCA is very fortunate to benefit from casino fundraisers roughly every 18 months that allow us the operating funds to support our many community initiatives including rink maintenance, music in the park, community clean up and so on. Please contact Willa Wu our interim Casino Director at [email protected] who can provide a list of remaining shifts.

Our email distribution list continues to grow thanks to many of you opting in. Check us out on Facebook, we have over 700 likes; see us on Twitter @sandstonemac, with over 350 followers; the website at; or contact us at [email protected]. You can also contact Trevor Bacon if you want to post a special event or provide feedback.

Please go to our website and purchase your Sandstone MacEwan Community Association (SMCA) membership online or contact Carolyn Gomez at [email protected]

On behalf of the SMCA board have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Sue Coatham

President SMCA

[email protected]