SMCA’s 2024 AGM – President’s Message

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On behalf of the Board, it is my pleasure to provide you with a report detailing the activities of the Sandstone MacEwan Community Association’s 2023-24 year.

I am happy to say we had an extremely productive year on the SMCA Board.

The old rink is finally gone, and we have an amazing replacement. Westcor did a fantastic job staying on budget and finishing the project sooner than expected. I can’t thank Colin, Jenn, Angela, Jasmine and so on enough for making this massive project a reality. It’s amazing and we were a happy group putting up the Christmas lights a few weeks ago.

This June we were busy with our community cleanup, and Beddington Heights Community Association (BHCA) joined us again. We had great volunteers assist us, including the 224 scouts. Thank you to Willa for organizing the event once again.

Karen had another productive summer at the community gardens despite the summer long water restrictions.

We had our casino this summer, Pinky and Willa did an excellent job recruiting volunteers. We just received notice that we will be getting a whopping 84k and change

The combined SMCA and BHCA garage sale this summer was a big success with a significant number of households participating. Thanks to Willa for helping make this a successful event.

Trevor who applied for a grant was successful in getting an artist to paint a utility box. It is in a high visibility area and represents the many activities in our community.

Colin and Carolyn continue to enhance the many uses of the communal system and may look to using it for future rink bookings.

Yoga classes continue to be a hit at the Berkshire Church. Sharon has suspended advertising given there is a steady group of about 20 yogis attending weekly.

Many thanks to all those who sent in photos for the SMCA photo contest. These photos are a wonderful feature in our monthly newsletter. The Board also extends many thanks to Trevor Bacon for his management of our community newsletter.

As we look to close this year off, I want to say a special thanks to all our partners, the Board members and volunteers who help us make Sandstone and MacEwan better places to live.

I would like to take this opportunity to mention two of our long time Directors Pinky and Phil Nantais who have retired from our SMCA Board. Phil and Pinky were our longest standing Board members and we are sad to see them go. Phil and Pinky exemplify what it means to be a volunteer and their presence on numerous boards and committees has been remarkable.

It has been my honour to be the Community Association’s President for another year.

Thank you.

Sue Coatham

SMCA President

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