Happy spring, Tuxedo Park! Hopefully, by the time this edition of the Gazette goes to print, the snow will be melting, and the ground will be thawing.
Your TPCA board of directors have a busy few months ahead of us, with great events and opportunities for you to get involved in your community.
Join us for:
• TPCA 2025 AGM: May 8 at 6:30 pm at the hall.
• Casino Fundraising Event: May 27 and 28 at the Elbow River Casino (sign up to volunteer here: https://volunteersignup.org/EP883). For each shift you complete, you will receive a Cineplex Movie Night Out for two and raise valuable funds for our community.
• Summer Festival: June 7. Kick off summer in Tuxedo with our annual street festival, vendors, games, beer gardens, live music, and entertainment.
With all this fun (and new programming) planned, the TPCA is still looking to fill two key board positions. We need an engaged volunteer to join our board and Chair our Volunteer Committee. This vital position will recruit, connect with, and engage volunteers for our events and programming.
We are also looking for a dedicated Board Director and Facilities Chair. This role supports our staff at the hall and plans and manages upgrades/maintenance. Contact me to volunteer for either of these roles or for our upcoming events.
Thanks, Tuxedo!
Anne Johnson
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