West Hillhurst Preschool News – June 2023

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by Lisa Kelly

What a marvelous month May was! From soccer on the field to ducks in the classroom, the month flew by! The secret garden has continued to be a hive of activity. From culinary masterpieces, designing daring obstacle courses, playing with water, and enjoying the many imaginative games they dream up! How lucky we are to have such a great place to play with our friends.

This month, we are all looking forward to our field trip to Made by Marcus. What a fun way to end the school year: ice cream with friends in the sunshine. We look forward to learning how the ice cream is made. Marcus will be joining us on the trip to talk about all things ice cream with the children.

It is that time of year again when we have to say goodbye and good luck to some of our pupils as they start the next part of their education journey. We would all like to wish them all the best in kindergarten, and we are looking forward to being able to celebrate together at our end of year graduation party this month.

Allow us to take this opportunity to share our deepest thanks to the team of teachers, parents, volunteers, and WHCA staff who help make the West Hillhurst Community Preschool an incredible place for our children. Have a lovely summer and we look forward to welcoming back lots of our families, as well as all our new families that will be joining us in September.

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