West Hillhurst Preschool News: Settling into Preschool

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by Lisa Kelly

As we move into November, leaving the excitement of Halloween, the first snow fall, and Thanksgiving behind us, it has been lovely to see the students settling into our classroom routines, making new friends, and engaging in learning. The preschool teachers are enjoying getting to know the children and their families, and we would like to thank all of our parent volunteers who have been busy helping with playdough, laundry, library books, and so much more!

Preschool is a wonderful opportunity for children to meet new people and to make friends with other children within the same age group. Our teaching staff are always observing and encouraging children to learn how to cooperate, to wait their turn, and to use language to communicate their needs and wants. This in turn leads to a positive fostering of relationships within the classroom.

For more information or to register for our limited available spots, please visit our website, www.westhillhurstpreschool.com. Also, be sure to check out our Facebook page ‘West Hillhurst Community Preschool’ and our Instagram page to see all the exciting and fun things we get up to!

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